iXML Community Group Test Suite
23 Oct 2023 (22 Nov 2023)
Top-level catalog for tests in the iXML Community Group Test Suite.
Tests have been contributed from several sources, but the core of the test collection are the tests contributed by Steven Pemberton in December 2021.
Prolog tests
17 May 2022
This test set collects some grammars with prolog information, and some simple tests to make sure the processor is actually processing the grammar normally.
The expected results currently assume that processors will recognize the version string "1.0" and no other version identifiers, and supply ixml:state="version-mismatch" in all cases where the version declaration is syntactically correct and the version string is not "1.0".
Created 17 May 2022 by jwL
A grammar with an incorrect version.
Invisible XML Grammar
ixml version P:["B"-"D"].
Test case: epsilon
Repository URI: …/tests/grammar-misc/prolog-tests.xml
Input string (0 characters)
Expected result
The grammar is invalid. Raises a static error.